Interactive by Nature

Extracting Ajax Return Data With jQuery

Saturday, February 18th, 2012


I love my job and the people I work with, but some of our standard procedures are somewhat outdated. For example, when we need data from the back-end, we get a hidden html input field with the requested data in the value attribute. Sometimes we get two hidden inputs with data that needs to be extracted. Sometimes we get markup and display it via AJAX.

The problem begins when we need to extract that value from the returned hidden input field and display it to the end user in a text field.

When you search for things like extracting “extracting ajax return data”, there’s really not that much out there. This leads me to believe that most developers are using a more current method like JSON. We are moving toward RESTful solutions, but we’re not there yet.


Posted in Code, Development, jQuery, Mobile | 5 Comments »